Some more recent news highlights...
* A Saturday CNN special will reportedly attempt to implicate Pope Benedict in abuse scandals. The special has been criticized for 'rehashing old charges that were previously discredited' and for 'leaving out key information in order to paint the Pope in the worst possible light.' The special will apparently highlight the notorious Murphy case
* The bankruptcy plan recently put forth by the Diocese of Wilmington allows for compensation of up to $75,000 per abuse victim. While the diocese calls the plan an "important milestone" that provides "fair compensation" to abuse victims, a victims' attorney called the plan a "mean-spirited, vindictive, hypocritical act, maliciously intended to prolong the suffering of survivors"
* The Church in Germany is apparently "ready to pay compensation" to abuse victims. The amount of compensation "has yet to be determined." Unfortunately, German Archbishop Zollitsch also wants to "discuss" priestly celibacy [Refresher: Why Priestly Celibacy?]
* The recent event at the Vienna cathedral involving alleged Medjugorje 'visionaries' reportedly included another "road show 'apparition'". Unfortunately, it was reported that a "standing room only" crowd was present for the "'apparition' on demand" [Refresher: Marian Apparitions at Medjugorje: True or False?]
* An Ordinariate will reportedly be "ready by the end of the year" in the U.K. The Ordinariate will assist Anglicans who enter the Catholic Church under the provisions of Anglicanorum Coetibus
* According to Pope Benedict, "The organization of work, set up for competition in the marketplace and for maximum profit, as well as the idea of a holiday as time for diversions and consumption, contribute to the break-up of the family and the community and to fostering an individualistic lifestyle." The Holy Father called for "reconciling work demands and schedules with those of family life"
* Catholics in the U.K. are reportedly being encouraged by Archbishop Vincent Nichols to 'make their faith more visible' by more frequently making the sign of the cross, offering to pray for others, and by saying "God bless you"
* A "prominent European atheist" recently claimed that "the most attacked religion today is the Catholic religion." He noted "prejudice and especially major anti-clericalism" that are "taking on enormous proportions in Europe"