Friday, September 3, 2010

More News Highlights

Some more recent news highlights...
* According to a CNA report, the priest who survived a recent car accident which killed a nun and injured the U.S. Ambassador to Malta is in "stable condition", breathing with the help of a ventilator and in an induced coma. The driver of the vehicle, the U.S. ambassador to Malta, is expected to make "a full recovery"
* EWTN reports that the deacon who allegedly received a miraculous healing through Cardinal Newman's intercession has responded to doubts concerning the alleged miracle. Critics have noted that the deacon had undergone conventional medical treatment prior to the alleged miracle and had previously been relieved of back pain which subsequently "returned with a vengeance"
* The former secretary of the Pontifical Council for Migrants and Itinerant People has indicated that he will continue to voice his opinions concerning immigrants even though he has retired from his position
* Sad: Monk and author, Fr. Gabriel Bunge, has left the Catholic Church to join the (schismatic) Orthodox [Note: Click here for 'The Importance of Being Catholic: Combating Religious Indifferentism']
* Could it be, another school protects its Catholic identity? A lesbian at a Springfield Catholic school was allegedly forced to resign after 'marrying' her female 'partner'. The woman is reportedly "exploring her legal options" [Related: Defending the Indefensible | Catholic education begins at home]
* The "eco-terrorist" with an "overwhelming disdain for human beings" who recently took hostages at Discovery Communications' headquarters before being shot appears to have previously confronted pro-lifers. No one was physically injured or threatened in the previous encounter
* A new Latin Mass Society survey reveals that "almost half" of English & Welsh Mass-goers would attend weekly TLM's if they were available in local parishes, with 66% of practicing Catholics "happy to attend" TLM's once a month. The study also found that 60% of Catholics were unaware of Pope Benedict's Summorum Pontificum [Related: The Traditional Latin ('Tridentine') Mass vs. the New (Novus Ordo) Mass]
* A Phoenix priest may have participated in a recent attempted female 'ordination' ceremony, according to a CNA report ['attempted' because it is impossible to ordain women (click here for more information)]. The penalty of excommunication applies both to persons attempting to ordain women and to females who attempt to be 'ordained'
* According to Archbishop Koch, the "clear conclusion" of the recent Schulerkreis is that "Fidelity to tradition, openness to the future" is the "correct" interpretation of Vatican II [Related: Summary of Changes Since Vatican II: A Revolution in the Church?]
* NY Archbishop Timothy Dolan reportedly wants to have an "ongoing dialog" with Muslim leaders
* Sad: Catholics in Egypt may be "encouraged" to convert to Islam because conversion provides a means to obtain an "easy divorce" with full rights against one's spouse, along with the potential for "better employment opportunities" [Related: Catholic teaching against divorce]