Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Update Re: Amazon

We have resolved the issues with Amazon.com related to our 11/11/10 letter (click here) regarding their selling of products that promoted criminal activities. As a result, we have decided to continue in the Amazon.com Associates program.
Please note that we have discussed the matter with Amazon.com representatives via phone and via their website. Since our initial letter, Amazon.com (or their representatives):
* notified us they have pulled the offensive book that caused the controversy
* pulled other books by the same author (according to media reports)
* provided us with a verbal apology
* indicated they were "shocked" that the book appeared on their site
* informed us that, in the future, items will be reviewed by their "I.T. guys" before being placed on the site
* both "promised" and "assured" us that the situation would not happen again
Therefore, we feel we can continue as an Amazon.com Associate. Please note: Our continuation in this program does not mean we agree with all aspects of their handling of this matter, nor does it mean we agree with all of Amazon.com's offerings (we certainly do not).
Also, in retrospect, we believe we may have acted somewhat hastily in our initial response as we failed to fully appreciate the positive effect on corporate responsibility which can result from customers' efforts to resolve such situations. We thank those who contacted Amazon and urged them to resolve this matter. Your efforts made a difference!
We plan to integrate more Amazon.com links to our site as soon as possible and hope for a mutually beneficial relationship among all parties.