Thursday, July 2, 2009

The End of Freedom in America?

If certain groups succeed in their plans, you may soon wake up to find that you no longer live in a free country. The government has already taken over part of the auto and banking industries, and they are presently working to nationalize healthcare. They are considering taxes & regulations right and left that threaten your wallet & well-being. They already feed & indoctrinate millions of children. They have the power to confiscate your private property to build a 'strip mall'. They redistribute your hard-earned wages at their pleasure. You may no longer have the freedom to hire who you want. They regulate (often poorly) your food, drugs, weapons, and even your telephone service. They may soon meddle more deeply in your home, forcing you to buy "government approved" lighting & appliances. There appears no end to the taxes & regulations they will foist upon the American people.

But there is one often overlooked movement that increasingly gnaws away at the fabric of this country & our freedoms, namely the push for 'gay rights'. Lately it seems no day goes by without an advance of their insidious agenda. They influence the media & politics, and even the Church. They have not been stopped by AIDS, nor stopped by the fact that their actions are gravely sinful. Little by little, our freedoms are being eroded while they pick up the gains. And now they have in the White House a self-professed "champion", "friend", and "ally" who has assured the homosexuals that he will "fight" for them.

We are already confronted with unfortunate realities such as...

* "Gay marriages" are "legal" in a number of states

* Your tax money may be used for homosexual activism or for benefits for s*domite "partners"

* Legislation proposes to give s*domites special rights not accorded to ordinary citizens

* They want compulsory 'LGBT' indoctrination of your children at school, even beginning in kindergarten, and with no ability for you to opt them out

* They want adoption agencies to be forced to place children with s*domite couples

* Government employees - homosexual sympathizers - who do not respect public opinion have refused to uphold & defend the expressed wishes of the voters

* Movies and television programs abound with perverted homosexual references. Furthermore, they don't want relationships between a man and a woman being depicted as "normal" in films, books, music, etc.

* They want school employees & students to be forced to report "harassing behavior" or a "hostile environment" motivated by "gender identity" (e.g. if a little boy wants to think of himself as a little girl, no one better give him/her a hard time - rather, they must accommodate his confused identity)

* They don't want people to view men and women in terms of gender - they want application forms to omit the words "male" & "female", books to stop referring to "him" and "her", bathrooms and clothing to no longer be identified as being for men or women. They don't want children to be referred to as boys or girls...

* They want s*domite "partners" to be accorded the legal rights of spouses

* They want birth certificates to allow two women or two men to be shown as "parents", a biological impossibility

* They want homosexuals to be considered a "protected class" with legislation that allows those who harm them to be tried twice for the same (alleged) offense

* They want to "normalize homosexual behavior" starting from a young age

* They want homosexual behavior openly promoted and even seen "in a positive light"

* They want to freely act on their perverted inclinations in public (including kissing, hand-holding, cross dressing, etc.)

* Those who object may be "harassed, marginalized, trivialized, or sued into submission"

* Etc.

They want to control your thoughts, actions, and behavior. In fact, 'gay rights' activists present a serious and looming threat to your freedoms...

* Your freedom of religion (they want to censure Holy Scripture as "hate speech"; they'd love to see those who quote Scripture against them be jailed)

* Your freedom of speech (any 'disparaging' comments may be "hate speech" or "discrimination" or the "creation of a hostile environment" - it is a fact that some persons have already been arrested for quoting Scripture condemning homosexuality)

* Your freedom of thought (they may use constant pressure to wear you down or force you into silence)

* Your parental freedoms (e.g. the freedom to instill morals & values in your children)

* Your financial freedom [they will continually seek more government - taxpayer paid - services, health care benefits (including sex change operations), etc.]

* Other freedoms (e.g. psychiatrists may have to act against their principles and provide counseling to same sex "partners"; objecting florists might have to provide flowers for homosexual "weddings"; principled employers, doctors, retailers, etc. fear they will have to accommodate the wishes of s*domites or face discrimination suits or heavy fines)

While you are being pushed into a corner and losing freedoms, they on the other hand are becoming more conspicuous (did you miss Obama declaring June 'LGBT' Pride Month"?) and are gaining more freedoms. And you can be assured that they won't stop at what they see as their "rights" - they have shown that they will call for changes to everything that offends them (e.g. children's movies showing a "mommy and a daddy" instead of 'two mommies' or 'two daddies' are offensive to them). They expect your toleration, but they will not tolerate you. They are "in your face" about their perversion, but they expect you to be silent and accepting. As with abortion, they don't want you to be allowed a "contentious objection". They care nothing about your rights, nor do they care about what is morally right. They only care about their perversion. And, the more they have "rights" granted to them, the more rights you will lose.

In the past, the law & public opinion put up some resistance to their perverted desires, but now there is a great danger that this is lessening. Fortunately, a few bishops have spoken out. For example...

* The Bishop of Maine warned of the "tragic consequences" of s*domite 'marriages' and said that "calling same-sex relationships marriage doesn’t make them so"

* Bishop Murphy confronted a Catholic politician over his support of "gay marriage", saying "...homosexual acts are not morally neutral. They are wrong and they are sinful", "Our teaching is unambiguous, faithful to the Lord and binding on all Catholics. No Catholic is free to ignore or disregard this teaching"

However, Catholics usually do not hear much in condemnation concerning the insidious 'gay rights' movement (in fact, some confused Catholics even join in their efforts). So, while this situation continues, it falls to faithful lay Catholics to spearhead the resistance. To that end, it may be helpful to remember that...

* S*domy is one of only four sins that "cry out to heaven for vengeance". We know from Scripture that the all-loving God condemned the s*domites to suffer eternal hellfire for their perversity (see Jude 1:7)

* Having a supposed "inclination" to something does not give one the right to act upon it or make it "not sinful" if one does act on it. For example, some persons may have an inclination to murder, adultery or fornication, but it certainly would be sinful - a crime - to act on any of these inclinations. It would be wrong to legalize the acts on the premise that someone had an "inclination" to the behavior. To act on these inclinations is a sin and a misuse of one's free-will.

* Nature itself shows the fallacy of their position - unions between two persons of the same sex are necessarily unfruitful. One cannot have a "inherent right" to something that nature itself forbids!

* A primary purpose of marriage is to create a stable & legitimate union between two persons for the good of the resulting offspring. Obviously two persons of the same sex cannot produce offspring so there is no reason to justify "marriage" between them, even if it was a possibility (which it is not)

* It is in the best interests of society that families (construed only in the traditional sense) be protected and fostered.

* Rights originate from God. Things that offend God cannot be rights.

* They try to associate their movement with "civil rights" but "civil rights" are rightly concerned with characteristics a person has no control over (e.g. one's skin color) not for behaviors that persons may choose whether or not to engage in.

* Scripture is the "ultimate authority" and it clearly condemns homosexuality. For example, consider these passages:

Lev. 18:22: You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; such a thing is an abomination.

Deut. 22:5: "A woman shall not wear an article proper to a man, nor shall a man put on a woman's dress; for anyone who does such things is an abomination to the LORD, your God."

St. Paul, 1 Cor 6:9-10: Do you not know that the unjust will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived; neither fornicators nor idolaters nor adulterers nor boy prostitutes nor practicing homosexuals nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor robbers will inherit the kingdom of God.

St Jude, Jude 1:7: Likewise, Sodom, Gomorrah, and the surrounding towns, which, in the same manner as they, indulged in sexual promiscuity and practiced unnatural vice, serve as an example by undergoing a punishment of eternal fire.

* Toleration of sin is NOT a virtue. Admonishing of the sinner is clearly Scriptural. For example, consider these passages...

"admonish one another" (St. Paul, Col. 3:16, Rom. 15:14)

"admonish them sharply" (St. Paul, Ti. 1:13)

"admonishing everyone" (St. Paul, Col. 1:28)

"If your brother sins, rebuke him" (Jesus Christ, Lk. 17:3)

* Don't be confused: Homosexual activists try to make their demands appear to be a matter of "basic rights" or "equity", but they are not. Their real purpose is to spread sin under the guise of law. They don't want to be made to "feel bad" or be "punished" over the sins they choose to engage in. Instead, they want us to pretend their actions are "normal" and "acceptable". But they are NOT. They are perverted, and they are sinful. To grant "rights" to persons for the purpose of engaging in perversion is itself perverted!

* Don't be confused by claims of "hate speech". Catholics who condemn homosexual behavior with good intentions do not hate the homosexuals - on the contrary, they love them and want to see them enjoy eternal happiness in heaven.

Now is the time for Catholics & others of good will to take action. We know that in at least one area Catholics have been effective in warding off s*domite 'marriages'. In contrast with other moral issues affecting us today, however, no respected, organized "anti-s*domy" groups seem to exist. Those who oppose us - the homosexual activists - unfortunately, have a better organized, powerful lobby than we do. In fact, the nation's current President has gone on record with his feelings about the homosexual movement.

He claims that:

* those who have objections to it use "worn arguments and old attitudes"

* certain laws and practices are "unjust" and "unfair" and should be stopped

* "extraordinary progress" has been made

Why not call the White House and complain that the President has dismissed your religious and moral values as "worn arguments and old attitudes"? Tell him that you object to his promotion of unnatural perversion and remind him - a supposed 'Christian' - that the bible condemns homosexuality and it has no expiration date.

In addition, help launch a grassroots campaign. Get involved, educate others and encourage them to end apathy and take a stand. Don't allow the erosion of your freedoms to continue unopposed. Use appropriately any influence you may have. Don't neglect the power of language (e.g. why not call them s*domites instead of homosexuals?). Don't support the 'gay agenda' by watching movies or television shows which have homosexual characters or favorable references to homosexuality. Etc. Be sure to remember that we must love the sinner, but we must HATE the sin.

Finally, note that it is important for people to stand up now and plug this dam before it completely overtakes our country. If we don't, we'll continue to lose our rights, little by little. Consider the words of the Bishop of Rhode Island who, a couple of months ago, called on Catholics to abandon their "abysmal apathy" on this issue. He also wisely pointed out that:

* "The march toward gay marriage across our nation is relentless"

* Homosexual behavior is "unnatural and gravely immoral", "offensive to Almighty God", and "can never be condoned, under any circumstances"

* "The threat to our religious freedom is real, and imminent"

He then reminded the laity of their responsibility "to get involved in public life, to transform the secular order into the Kingdom of God."

President Obama said to the s*domite activists he praised that "we cannot rest". They won't rest - and neither can we.
