Friday, June 19, 2009

Year of Priests

The Year of Priests has begun as of Friday 6/19. This is a great time to show priests your appreciation, and especially to help them by being a good & faithful Catholic. Also, we must:

* Pray for them

* Respect them

* Obey them [of course obedience is necessarily limited to appropriate commands, and is not accorded to commands which violate faith or morals]

* Pray & work for vocations

As Scripture says:

"With all your soul, fear God, revere his priests. With all your strength, love your Creator, forsake not his ministers." (Sirach 7:29-30)

"Honor God and respect the priest" (Sirach 7:31)

Note that Sunday, being Father's Day, provides a good opportunity to honor your priest with a special spiritual and/or material gift.

Some resources on this site you may find helpful include... (click link to view)

* Priests & Vocations Section

* Priests & Vocations Reflections [Quotes from Scripture, popes, saints, etc. on a variety of topics, including: celibacy, church hierarchy, duties & responsibilities of priests, clerical dress, good / bad priests, holiness, preaching, priests / priesthood, priests & the sacraments, vows, etc.]

* Prayers for Priests

* Priests & Vocations Facts

[Related Links: Pope issues letter to clergy for Year of Priests | Year of Priests Indulgences]
